Thursday, November 3, 2011

Mama's Mission for November

My friend, Erika, is on a mission. She's right that we don't share all the bad stuff.  We blog about the great days, the fun stuff and the cute things our children say.   Those of us who blog about our lives often hold ourselves accountable when we share various aspects of our lives on our blog. More likely when we share the things we'd LIKE to do or how we'd like to be.  I often share the ugly side of living with chronic illness, but I certainly don't share it all. Some aspects just aren't fit for print! Perhaps, part of my mission could be about sharing with others the details of chronic illness? I know that I have been helped tremendously over the years by those moms who have been willing to share the good, the bad and the ugly with me. I also have a mission to accomplish-- to be a better Catholic, follower of Jesus and a better homeschooling mom.  I think this monthly mission and exercise in accountability will be helpful for me!

I think the monthly mission idea is a great one - especially for those of us who are trying to live authentic Catholic lives.   Mama Jenn first started the Monthly mission.  I'm going to label my completed missions under the label  "Mission Complete" and things I don't get done under "Mission Not Complete Yet"

So, my Mama Mission for November is going to be to participate in Christie's Challenge of the month and a few other things.  My mission is going to center around a more authentic Catholic life, I mean, my blog is about A Catholic Life, right?  So, I plan on making it to confession at least twice a month.... let me make a list:

1) Participate in Christie's monthly challenge
2) Go to confession at least twice this month
3) Do a little fall cleaning
4) Update the medication lists
5) Finish reading Consoling the Heart of Jesus
5) Start Reading Fulfillment of All Desire
6) Go to daily Mass at least once a week
7) Finish going through clothes and donate them
8) Try to make my evening prayer time a little longer
9) Don't skip morning offering and prayers

Want to join me?  I'm hoping this Mama's Mission will bring me closer to A Catholic Life and get a few extra things done along the way!

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