Fr. John started a blog in response to Planned Parenthood's Cecile Richards asking women to videotape themselves and "have their say" about the HHS mandate. Cecile Richards doesn't speak for me. Fr. John's blog: I Have A Say Because My Parents Didn't Abort Me or Use Contraception
A group of Catholic blogging moms started an "I have a say" campaign. Were asking for Catholics (men, women, children) to take pictures with signs that say, "I have a say. Cecile Richards does not speak for me. Here comes the Catholic Church" or something similar. If you look at my photo, you'll see I added more to my statement. Please visit Birgit's site for more ideas.Catholic Sistas is another site you might like to visit!
I am dedicating this page to all the pictures I receive. I figured it was better than a post that would get lost in the blogspace. Enjoy! If you's like to add your picture, send me an email with your photo and I will add it to my blog.