Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social Studies. Show all posts

Friday, April 18, 2008

Around the World Night

Every year,we participate in a local homeschool event called Around the World Night. This year, the boys picked Honduras. We're working on our project for next week. We've been digging up information on Honduras for some time and Joseph found the money that dad brought back from Honduras. Everyone is supposed to bring a dish from their country to share. Honduras' largest exports are bananas and coffee. Gues what we're brnging? Dad brought back coffee on his last trip.

Everyone is busy at work on their portion of hte project. Joseph is trying to draw and color the flag and Sean is making a map on cardboard, then I will help him attempt his first ever 3-D map of Honduras. Not sure how it will turn out.

If you live in the Piedmont Triad and would like information on Around the World Night, send me an email and I'll get you in touch with the coordinator.