Our Faith

On our Wedding Day
We love our Catholic faith! Jesus Christ is the center of our family life. We worship Jesus at Mass where we believe that He is present Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Holy Eucharist. I am a cooperator in Opus Dei and I believe, like the founder, that we are all called to holiness no matter our station in life. St. Josemaria is my favorite saint (you should check out the St. Josemaria App in the Apple App store! It is awesome!).Opus Dei is a Catholic institution founded by Saint Josemaría Escrivá. Its mission is to spread the message that work and the circumstances of everyday life are occasions for growing closer to God, for serving others, and for improving society. We love to learn about the saints who came before us and lived up to their Christian call to holiness. Our Catholic faith is full of wonderful saints and examples of Christian holiness and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Matthew serving at a Confirmation Mass

As Catholics, we promote and defend the sanctity of all human life. The Catholic Church has always been pro-life and has always promoted and defended the sanctity of all human life at every stage from conception until natural death.  In 2010, we attended the March for Life and Prayer Breakfast in Raleigh, NC (see pictures below) and in January 2011, we attended the March for Life in Washington, DC.

Sign from St. Ann's Catholic Church at the Raleigh march

The boys in the albs and vestments I made for them. They used to  pretend to offer Mass when they were younger.

Joseph at the Raleigh March for Life 2010

Raleigh March for Life 2010

Raleigh March for Life 2010

The OATH Brothers and our friends over to watch the Fatima movie- it was great!

Sean getting his rosary blessed by Bishop Jugis

Raleigh March for Life 2010
We saw the video below and it really sums up the Catholic Church in two minutes. If you want to learn more about the Catholic Church, please watch this video.