Showing posts with label Letter Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letter Writing. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mail Art Project

I love mail art (I am a rubber stamper, you know!). I am looking for people to participate in a mail art exchange. I'd love to exchange Catholic mail art with other Catholics, but I love all art! If you send something my way, I'll be sure to send some mail art back! Be creative! Everyone loves to get something in the mail!

If you are interested, please send your mail art project to:

Pattie Curran
931-B South Main Street #332
Kernersville, NC 27284

I'll post pictures of everything I receive and everything I send here on my blog for all to see.

Post Crossing

Post Crossing is a neat site where you can send post cards and receive post cards from around the world. I thought this would be a great project for homeschoolers.

The Letter Writers Alliance

Anyone who really knows me, knows I love to write letters. I have written letters since I was in grade school. There is just something absolutely amazing about getting a letter in the mail. Especially letters with what I call mail art.

I found a wonderful book titled Good Mail Day. So many fun things to do with your letters and mail. One of the links the book contained was to The Letter Writers Alliance. I'm proud to announce that I just purchased my $3 membership and can't wait to get to writing!

By the end of this week, I am going to post information for a letter writing, mail art challenge. I'd love to see what beautiful creations land in my mailbox. I'll be sure to respond with a thank you! Ideas are cooking in my head! This is going to be fun.

Art and letters are a break from the stresses of life, are they not? I'm always looking for that special something to put in a letter or on a postcard. Creative packages are fun to send to people in the hospital, too. One of my favorite techniques is blackout painting-- I think I shared the photo on my blog before. I plan on posting photos of some of my new mail creations.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Lent is Almost Over

We're heading into Holy Week and boy am I glad! A friend challenged me to diet with her over Lent.  A challenge it has been!  I had told her that the only time I could diet would be over Lent because I'd be doing it for Jesus. Giving up sugar has been the hardest part. I love sugar.  The natural substitutes just don't do it for me.

I found a tolerable way to enjoy my morning coffee.  Sugar alcohols.  I purchased natural Birchwood Xylitol and by itself it is pleasant, but found it is better if I mix in just a bit of Malitol syrup.  I'm hoping to do this long term and keep the weight off. I'm still baking cookies and muffins for my kids and have to be satisfied with just smelling them.  That part, I know won't be something I can do forever!

Did you see the cool stationery link I posted earlier? I've also been working on my New Year's resolution to write more real letters (i.e handwritten,  snail mail letters!).  You already know that I make cards, so I do send quite a few cards to friends and family....but I had slacked on letter writing. It really has been a great New Year's resolution, getting back into letter writing.  Don't get me wrong, I still have a few friends with whom I only correspond via letter with, we just don't email each other.  I've just made an effort of doing it with more friends, more often.  You really should give it a try.  Everyone loves getting letters in the mail.  Especially on really cute stationery!

In case you are wondering, I've lost 20.5  pounds on this Lenten diet.  I'm pretty sure if I was Jesus, I would have turned the stones into bread and eaten them, or I would have one upped satan and said, "Hey! Bread? That's the best you can do?  Watch this...." Then turned them into the most wonderful, sugar laden, high calorie dessert! 

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Writing Real Letters

Emphasis on REAL.  Yesterday, as I was carting the kids hither and yon, I heard a news blurb on the radio.  Kids at a local college were being taught to write REAL letters.  They interviewed one of the professors and she was discussing a few recent surveys about the lack of letter writing skills among college age adults. Absolutely amazing.   She went on to say that many universities are finding their students lack the ability to write letters at all-- formal or informal -- because they only know how to text and certainly don't know how to email a proper letter, either. 

"Wow," I thought as I was driving, "I am certainly glad that I homeschool!"  We began teaching the children to write proper letters at an early age.  headings, salutations, body, complimentary close and the signature.  I consider not being able to write a proper letter by the time you go off to college as being functionally illiterate.  It is mind boggling that schools are not teaching students how to write a proper letter. 

When is the last time you wrote a REAL letter to a friend.  Not an email, but a real letter.  Is letter writing a lost art?  I make hand-stamped cards and love to send them to friends and family.  Try to make a point of writing a letter to a friend today....... a REAL letter!