Our youngest has some OCD issues and was in a panic because he doesn't like where we have the shelf this year. He had a meltdown when it came time to put his books on his bookshelf. oh My. He told me we needed to move the piano, the desk, the shelf, etc. Homeschooling a child with OCD issues is quite challenging. He has been upset all morning about his book shelf. Lying on te floor, rolling around....and now is putting his books on his shelf in alphabetical order. The other two had their books on their shelves in a minute. :-)Before bed last night, I just stuck his books on the shelf......this morning he's been working on it. Oh My!
Hard to believe that we are starting our tenth year of homeschooling! We will hopefuly be back up and running with exciting homeschooling events soon. Our youngest has a minor surgical procedure in a few weeks in Philly and we are trying to plan some sort of educational field trip.
Best wishes to all of you for a wonderful school year!

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