Monday, November 14, 2011

Mito Cocktail- Thiamine (B1)

The handout from our compounding pharmacy, America's Compounding Center, says the following about Thiamine:

"Thiamine, also known as B1, is a water-soluble, complex B vitamin.   Water-soluble vitamins are not stored by the body, therefore they need to be replaced regularly in the diet.  Thiamine is essential to maintan heart and nerve cell function, and for converting food sources into energy. Thiamine is commonly found in legumes (such as beans, peas, and peanuts), whole grain cereals and breads, pork,m and beef.  Common causes of thiamine deficiency include poor dietary intake, malabsorption syndromes, alcoholism, prolonged diarrhea, and states that increase thiamine requirements, such as pregnancy.  Thiamine deficiency, known as beriberi, can cause neurological symptoms, such as tingling or loss of feeling in the hands and feet, and muscle weakness. Patients with thiamine deficiency may also experience cardiac symptoms, such as increased or abnormal heart rate. The UMDF recommends taking 50-100mg of thiamine by mouth daily., but doses up to 800mg daily have been used in patients with mitochondrial disease. The most common side effects associated with thiamine supplementation include allergic reactions, such as rash or hives, and stomach upset, which can be minimized if taken with food."


tracy said...

Hey Patty and family. We are Catholic also and deal with mito. We are traditionalists, if you wanna know what that means just let me know. Thanks for the blogspot post on mito. Tracy

Pattie said...

Thanks, Tracy. We have several friends who are traditionalists. Glad you stopped by!!!